Working with parents and our complaints procedure
At Eastbury Farm Primary School, we recognise the overarching role that parents and carers play in supporting their children to reach their potential. We very much want to work in partnership with our parents and carers to ensure our children are supported to be the best that they can be. Open and honest communication between school and home is a key element of this partnership. Eastbury Farm staff are visible and always happy to have a quick chat, share information and, if a longer discussion is needed, make time to meet with parents to do so. On occasion, there may be times when parents feel unhappy about an element of our provision. On these occasions, we would encourage parents to come and speak to the relevant member of staff. In the first instance, this would usually be the class teacher. Often, all that is needed is clarification. If a parent continues to have concerns, then we would encourage them to speak to the phase lead, the deputy head and, in the case of an unresolved issue, the headteacher.
On occasion, there may be things that do not work as we would hope. In these rare instances, we would ask parents to come and speak to us about this, to enable us to investigate and put things right if this is what is required. Eastbury Farm Primary School is a harmonious community working together in an environment of mutual respect. When things do go wrong, we understand that parents experience a range of feelings. However, we must retain a calm, peaceful and safe school environment. To this end, we will not tolerate:
- Disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens any of the school’s operations or activities or damages the good name of the school.
- Using loud or offensive language or displaying temper.
- Threatening in any way a member of school staff, visitor, fellow parent or pupil.
- Damaging or destroying school property.
- Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise the actions of the child towards their own child.
- Smoking, drinking alcohol or taking illegal drugs on any part of the school premises (alcohol can of course be consumed at authorised events).
Use of Social Media
At Eastbury Farm Primary School, we also consider the use of social media, including 'WhatsApp' groups, to fuel campaigns and complaints against the school, its staff, parents or pupils as totally unacceptable. In the event of anyone posting libellous or defamatory comments on social media, they will be reported to the appropriate abuse section of that network site. The school will also expect parents to remove any such abuse immediately. We would also like to remind parents that they should not publish photographs of school pupils (other than their own) or members of staff on social media without express prior permission.
Complaints Procedure
Should a parent remain dissatisfied with an element of their child's education or school experience which cannot be resolved informally, there is a complaints procedure that parents can follow for their concern to be further investigated and heard in a more formal arena. Details are shared below.